Become a Member
Our power comes from our members, and our day-to-day work is made possible by your active involvement. Our broad base of dues-paying members sustains our work morally and financially. Our members are active in events such as rallies, demonstrations, and lobby trips. Additionally, a core group of member leaders help us decide what issues we should work on, and help plan and execute our system change campaigns. Join us!
Become a Member
Annual membership dues are currently $35 for individuals and $10 for tenants residing in subsidized housing, tenants with reduced income and students. When you pay your dues, it is extremely helpful if you are able to make an additional donation.
Please note that dues and other contributions to the Coalition support legislative organizing and lobbying and are not tax deductible. For a copy of our membership brochure click HERE.
Become an Organizational Member
Become an organizational member of the New York State Tenants & Neighbors Coalition: Your tenant association or local community-based membership organization can apply to join Tenants & Neighbors as a dues-paying organizational member. Dues for organizations currently range from $50 to $200 based on the size of your budget.