Our History


T&N was born after a successful campaign in 1974 to enact tenant protections including the Emergency Tenant Protection Act and the Senior Citizens Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE). Throughout the years, we have fought to expand tenant protections, build tenants associations, educate tenants and develop tenant leaders and preserve affordable housing.


In the 1990s we started working with the National Alliance of HUD Tenants to protect and expand the rights of Project based Section 8 tenants. In 1997, we led the “I am a tenant and I vote campaign” and prevented the state legislature from ending rent regulation.


We successfully worked to expand SCRIE benefits to our disabled members and in 2005, DRIE was enacted. We also fought tirelessly to preserve Mitchell-Lama and Project-Based Section 8 buildings from privatization.


In 2019, after decades of struggle, we passed the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act. HSTPA was the largest expansion of tenants rights in 50 years, and included a bill that our rent control members wrote to upend the “Maximum Base Rent” increase system.


As part of the Housing Justice for All Coalition, Tenants & Neighbors fought for—and won—rent increase limits and the right to lease renewals for market-rate tenants through the Good Cause Eviction Law. Tenants & Neighbors also celebrated its 50 year anniversary and reaffirmed our commitment to building tenant power!