Our Coalition Partners

Housing Justice for All (HJ4A)
Housing Justice for All is a statewide coalition of over 80 groups representing tenants and homeless New Yorkers, united in our fight for housing as a human right. We work with Housing Justice for All to execute statewide tenants’ rights campaigns, including landmark legislation such as 2019’s HSTPA and 2024’s Good Cause Eviction.

National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC)
NLIHC aims to preserve existing federally assisted homes and housing resources, expand the supply of low-income housing, and establish housing stability as the primary purpose of federal low-income housing policy. We work with NLIHC to develop campaigns for federally-subsided housing.

Rent Justice Coalition (RJC)
The Rent Justice Coalition consists of legal services, organizing, advocacy and tenants’ groups that join together to push the Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) to use data and reason to pass more equitable and pro-tenant rent adjustments. We work with the Rent Justice Coalition to plan actions at the annual Rent Guidelines Board hearings and votes that demand a rent freeze for tenants living in approximately one million rent-regulated apartments throughout the city.

Mitchell-Lama Residents Coalition (MLRC)
The Mitchell-Lama Residents Coalition works for the preservation and future expansion of the Mitchell-Lama Housing Program. The Coalition works to identify, clarify and solve common concerns of current and former Mitchell-Lama residents by working with these residents, elected officials and government agencies. We work with MLRC to advocate for Mitchell-Lama tenants. Most recently, this has taken the form of the Senior Citizen and Disability Rent Increase Exemption reform and expansion campaign.